Monday, November 17, 2008

+ Another Year

Kah! Kah! Kah!

Out of the blue, I received a text message from dear old auntie, Mrs. Mermaid. I guess she just wanted to remind me that her age has been added another year (like I care). Well, if she expect anything from me I would just tell her to keep on dreaming!

If she want anything at all, why don't she asked it from her man or any of her many boyfriends? Who knows, your man will give her better presents than last year. Last year she received a very tight slapped on the face and a foot on her stomach as her birthday's presents.

I wish her good luck for this year birthday's presents. Please, I don't wish anything bad to happen to her. Sincerely I wish her good luck and I hope she has filled-up the first-aid's box with medical paraphernalia. At least it will temporary stopped the bleeding or covered any black-eye(s).

Actually that was nothing to Mrs. Mermaid. She once told me that she love to get into a beating session with her man. She really enjoyed it when the going get rough. I guess it got to do with that thing called bondage!

Hehehe, I know what you guys and gals are thinking? Let it rest for now or just sit on it. I don't want to go any further coz I'm afraid Mr. Google will think this is an erotica's blog. Maybe I shall publish about her encountered with her man (wedding night) and others (deflowered etc) some other time, but for now it will be for my reading pleasure only, kah! kah! kah!

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