My beloved wife pet-fish
Last weekend after coming back from visiting friends, (yeah, we're still celebrating 'Aidil Fitri!) the first thing my beloved wife would do was to give her precious fish-pet Kaloi something to eat. As for me, SOHO (small office home office) where all my precious gadgets especially my desktop are placed is da place you gonna find me. I was just switching on my desktop when I heard my dear wife calling me, "Honeyyyyyy!" (don't laugh, she does called me that, *wink* *wink*)
She called me in kinda sad sobbing voice which I knew instinctively something bad must be happening. I knew she wanted my immediate presence to cool her down whereby a little hugs and kisses should definitely calmed her down. Without wasting anymore time, I stood up and came out running toward her along with the words, "I'm cominggggg, dearest!" (Nah! Not that sort of coming, you weirdo. Lol!)
Then I saw her crying. Just looking her like that made me want to cry too. Not a word was exchanged between us. I just came toward her and hold her tight around my arms. Only after she had calmed down do I asked her what's wrong? Still in my arm she didn't utter anything. Then she raised her hand, her finger pointed something toward the fish pond. Below is the image that I saw.
According to my precious wife, she bought Kaloi and his partner (who had died about six month ago) at the local pet shop when he was still a baby. They were so cute and tiny, smaller than her wee little finger. My darling wife put both of them in a specially made aquarium just for the two of them.
For ten loving years my sweet wife had taken good care of them until they had out-grown the cute little aquarium they had been living in since they were a baby. A year after our memorable marriage, my sugar-pie decided to build a pond so that Kaloi and his partner got more space to swim merrily about.
I doubt Mrs. Mermaid could take care of anything or someone so lovingly like my dearest wife do? I do believe Kaloi would have died in just a couple of days should Mrs. Mermaid be given the chance to take care of him. In one of her many emails to me, she freely admitted that she couldn't care less of any pet! She was so heartless stomach (that was a direct translation from Bahasa Melayu).
From here onward, as My Little Mermaid wishes she will be called Mrs. Mermaid. I thought it was the right thing to call her that too. Furthermore, she has the age to be called Aunty and she was also the wife to someone special even though she held the title as a wife for only twenty days!
More about that later. Please subscribe to this blog's feeds via email or RSS if you don't want to miss the coming episodes of Mrs. Mermaid. You will find the links on this blog's right sidebar. Anytime there's a new post, it will be sent directly to your email inbox.
Stay tune, folk!
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