Saturday, June 14, 2008

Last Monday

Little Mermaid at Court

Last Monday (June 9th, 2008), my Little Mermaid was the plaintive in a court case. That was another occasion I would really like to attend after the Wedding. Last week was suppose to be my week where I got the chance to make myself available attending the wedding and made myself presence for her at court. I knew I could do nothing but at least I thought I could be some sort of moral support to my Little Mermaid, but alas, I could only planned...

It turned out last week wasn't bad after all. Beside taking along my Mother-in-law to KL, meeting a few of my relatives nearby, I got to do some shopping for more computer's parts at Low Yat. I've spent the whole Sunday browsing shop after shop at Low Yat and Sungei Wang Plaza. We were tired but it was worth it. I shall publish a few photos about last week on my next post for your viewing pleasure, my friends

On Monday I thought of going back to where I belong at dawn, but my mind kept on thinking about my Little Mermaid. How was she? Was she doing all right? You know, that kind of worries I still had for her. I couldn't stand still. On second thought, I told my beloved wife that we've to postpone going back to KK and I told her that I was going to court. My darling gazed was hard and said, "You still miss her, don't you?"Letting go of someone dear to you is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn't even feel the same is much harder. Giving up doesn't mean you are weak! It only means that you are strong enough to let go!

There's only one thing I regret doing, loving the girl who didn't love me, and forgetting the one who did.

I was rendered speechless and admitted lamely that I still missed her very much. After starting the car I decided not to go to court to see my Little Mermaid in action. Instead, I drove to Tasik Perdana. I needed to clear my head ... the cloud of confusion was over-whelming. Plonking myself down on a bench, I buried my face in my hands and let everything my Little Mermaid had said and done washed over me in a big, enlightening tide.

That was the main purpose this blog was created in the first place, as a remembrance of those happy times my Little Mermaid had once made me. I wanna remember her just like I knew her before on March 20th, 2008. Yeah, those were the best of times when she made me felt like a valuable asset to her.

Memories of her and me communicating via emails, SMSs and what not burned vivid in my mind. I had lost counts of the number of times she would called me up when she needed my ideas what cloths to wear. I was always there for her whenever she needed me. Yeah, those were the days.

I rocked back and forth on the bench and let the tears stream down my cheeks. After what seems like an eternity, and I finally stood up unsteadily. Aware that my eyes were bloodshot but not caring what others will think. I started walked back to my car and drove back to my beloved wife who had stood by me through thick and thin together.

Not long after that I started receiving her SMSs just like before as though nothing had happened between us. My warning antenna started to go up. I kept on thinking what was she up to now? Jeng! Jeng! Jeng! (that was the sound of suspense, just like in the movie) and I was not wrong to be wary...

Stay tune my friends.


Mariuca said...

Hola AM! I'm not sure who this Little Mermaid is, but you seem to be very fond of her. :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh, look at me smiling out from your EntreCard today! You would not believe what goes on here at night when you are fast asleep. Don't worry, what happens with Roxy stays with Roxy....thanks for letting me "advertise" with you.

Very interesting post, makes me want to know there a post on your blog where we newbies can get a better understanding of who your Little Mermaid is? First post, maybe? I will look around.


Eliot said...

I love the in-box quote. <3 Let's keep the ECs coming! ^^;

Anonymous said...

I must say I am deeply touched by the inset thoughts in your post. I'm curious to know who this little mermaid is and how you met her. It seems that you're torn between two "loves" :-)

Btw, thanks for placing an ad...

Anonymous said...

my my...what was that all about... Suspense...

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